Self-refer your pregnancy to GWH Swindon
GWH Swindon is an NHS service providing a single point of access for all maternity referrals in the Swindon and surrounding areas.. The aim is to make sure you have access to the right care from day one. GWH Swindon will triage your referral based on the information you provide and the hospital will contact you to start your antenatal care. In the meantime if you are worried about your pregnancy, please tell your GP straight away.
Click here to inform the NHS of your pregnancy. It's quick and easy and just takes a couple of minutes.
for Swindon and surrounding areas. Congratulations on your pregnancy! The Maternity Team at Great Western Hospital, Swindon are looking forward to supporting your pregnancy journey. Please complete the form and a member of the Community Team will be in touch with you within 3 weeks following your referral, to arrange your first appointment with us. The following form requires you to provide personal information including your GP details and your NHS number. If you don't know your NHS number please visit Please be aware that by submitting this form you are consenting for your information to be shared with professionals associated with your care. If you need any help in completing this form please contact our antenatal booking team (Mon - Fri 10am -2pm) on 01793 607312.
You can also use this to refer a pregnancy on behalf of a woman.